Vom Uni-Startup zum globalen Asset Operations Champion
Die Vision von ToolSense ist es, Wartungs-, Reparatur- und Operations-Teams zu unterstützen, indem wir Asset-Prozesse digitalisieren, administrative Tätigkeiten automatisieren und eine Daten-basierte Entscheidungsfindung ermöglichen. Durch die Verbindung von Assets, Mitarbeitern und Prozessen in ToolSense wird das Leben von den Frontline-Mitarbeitern einfacher und asset-intensive Branchen werden effizienter.

„Das Team ist voll bei der Sache, hochmotiviert und leistet großartige Arbeit, bringt eigenständig sehr gute Ideen und kümmert sich auch um die qualitativ hochwertige Umsetzung. Eine Zusammenarbeit kann ich mit bestem Gewissen empfehlen.“

Alexander Manafi
CEO, ToolSense
Überblick über die Zusammenarbeit
Ziele der Zusammenarbeit
- Globale Sichtbarkeit aufbauen
- Effiziente Inbound-Pipeline aufbauen
- Planbar qualifizierte B2B-Leads gewinnen
- Content-Leader bei Google für Asset Operations werden
Die Ergebnisse der Zusammenarbeit
- Aufbau globales Content-Hub mit 100+ Artikeln (SEO-Fokus)
- Aufbau deutlich fünfstelliger monatlicher organischer Zugriffe
- Aufbau dreistelliger monatlicher Inbound-Lead-Flow
- Skalierung der organischen Landingpages über Google Ads
- Abschluss Series A über 8 Mio. €
Berichterstattung über ToolSense

Wiener Asset-Operations-Plattform ToolSense geht globale strategische Partnerschaft mit ISS ein
brutkasten | 06.09.2023

ToolSense: 8 Mio. Euro Series A für Wiener Startup – PlanRadar-Founder steigen ein
Jakob Steinschaden | 12.12.2022

In sieben Jahren hat sich das Studentenprojekt ToolSense als Dienstleister für die internationale Bau- und FM-Branche etabliert
Bernd Affenzeller | 12.06.2024
Get an expert sparring session on your growth strategy
- Talk to experts who work with startups & scaleups every day
- The strategy call is 100% free and fully customized to your goals
- The worst that can happen is getting a lot of new insights for free
We already supported 50+ startups & scaleups in their growth

Niklas Buschner — CEO of Radyant
What others say about working with us
We have been working very successfully with Niklas and the team since 2022. Absolute experts in the field of marketing. I can recommend Radyant 100 %. A stroke of luck for our company!

Maximilian Schroeren
Managing Director, Enter
I am extremely enthusiastic about the collaboration with Radyant. You manage our Google Ads and SEO super hands-on, including ad control, funnel & landing page conception & tracking for all marketing channels (incl. offline conversions).

Erika Preschel
Marketing Director, Enter

The team is fully committed, highly motivated and does a great job, comes up with very good ideas independently and also takes care of the high-quality implementation. I can recommend a collaboration with a clear conscience.

Alexander Manafi
CEO and Co-Founder, ToolSense

A very good & professional collaboration that always takes place at eye level. If you want to give your company an SEO & SEA kick, Radyant is 100% perfect for you. We have been working with Niklas & his team for almost a year now and are delighted with the results!

Kjell Klingenberg
Chief Marketing Officer, Vamo

I finally have a very simple structure that lets me "sleep peacefully" even with multiple 3-digit daily budgets and I feel very well looked after. The collaboration is extremely detailed and structured. I recommend Niklas 100%.

Yannick Halm
Managing Director,

Expert in SEO and paid ads. We have been working with them more than a year and the service quality never disappoints us. The team is professional and easy to communicate with. Highly recommended!

Cheng-En Yang
CTO and Co-Founder, EasyCookAsia

Radyant was highly recommended to us and we can only confirm this recommendation. The collaboration is a lot of fun and the Radyant team is super friendly and helpful. Radyant responds quickly and competently to questions and requests and always keeps an eye on the performance of the campaign.

Sarah Kinzelmann
Senior Marketing Manager

In an advisory capacity, I brought Radyant on board as a PPC agency for one of my clients and the decision paid off. Progressive PPC management is understood as it should be - beyond the channel itself, i.e. taking into account all facets of digital marketing (tracking, CRO and strategy).

Niklas Kohlgraf
Digital consultant (Nomos and peers, among others)